For our Corporate Health and Safety Program to be effective, the managers at H&R Industrial Contractors personally set the standard by taking a serious interest in the prevention of accidents. They will also provide, in administration of the program the leadership to which supervisory personnel and employees will respond.
Our desired goal is to prevent accidents by educating and training our employees to recognize hazards and understand why their health and safety is important for them and the company. We solicit input from our employees and clients to improve our safety process.
We at H&R Industrial Contractors strive to provide a workplace for our employees, safe from hazards, accident free, with leadership from the management team.
On January 1, 2017, our company reached a safety milestone of 500,000 manhours without an OSHA recordable. This demonstrates our employees’ commitment to the statement.
Other Milestones
- 100% drop in recordable accidents
- No lost-time accident for 5th consecutive year
- Sustained Recordable Incident Rate
- EMP of 0.72
Safety Specific Programs
- H&R Health and Wellness
- OSHA 30
- OSHA 10
- Crane Pro (Forklifts, Man Lifts, Rigging, Signaling, CCO Certification, and Flagging)
- Impact Random Drug Testing
- Certified Training
- Scheduled Impact Training
- ISNET World Verified
- Browz Network
- Avetta Network